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Decrease stress and take a study break during Stress Busters Week



The last few years have been stressful for college students. With few breaks, navigating online classes, and the weight of living in a pandemic, it's increasingly important for students to take care of themselves.

Health and Wellness Promotion, along with campus partners, are here to help students unwind by hosting their annual Stress Busters Week Dec. 5-10. This semester, there are significantly more options for in-person events, and even fan favorites -- dog therapy, the coffee bar and arts and crafts -- are making a return.

"November and December are some of the hardest months of the semester," Assistant Program Director of Health and Wellness Ryan Anderson said. "We want to be able to offer students a break, something fun to do and something to take their mind off all the work that they are doing. I think it is so important to make a big celebration out of it and really encourage students to take time for themselves when they are at their busiest."

Throughout the week, 25 events will take place. Here are the top events that you won't want to miss.

Sunday, Dec. 5

Coffee Bar, University Library, second floor atrium, 8-10 p.m.

Stop by the library to get some energy while prepping for finals. The coffee bar will be available each night from Dec. 5 to 9 of Stress Busters Week.

Monday, Dec. 6

Stress Busters Week Kickoff, University Library Information Desk, 6-9 p.m.

Start your week off right. Refreshments and stress-reducing activities will be provided.

Tuesday, Dec. 7

Stress Busters Week: De-stress with Arts and Crafts, Campus Center Atrium, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Take time for yourself and relax by coloring, making bracelets, painting and more at one of the many arts and crafts stations.

Wednesday, Dec. 8

Wellness Wednesday, Instagram @IUPUIwellness, Noon-12:30 p.m.

Join Health and Wellness Promotion for a virtual learning opportunity on the importance of taking care of your mental health.

Thursday, Dec. 9

Holiday Cookie Decorating with the Collegiate Recovery Community, Campus Center Room 309, 6-7:30 p.m.

Put your art skills to the test and enjoy some treats.

Friday, Dec. 10

Dog Therapy, Campus Center Room 309, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Everyone's favorite event is back. Come and cuddle with some cute puppies to de-stress and take your mind off of your workload.

To see the full list of events for Stress Busters Week, check out the events calendar online.

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