ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON https://studentaffairs.iupui.edu/
Did you know that 4.5% of IUPUI undergraduate students identify as being in recovery for alcohol or drug use? That’s two times the number of students in recovery than the national average. As September marks National Recovery Month, the Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) is on a mission to bring awareness to campus and celebrate those who are succeeding in their recovery process.
This long-standing national observance promotes the societal benefits of prevention, treatment and recovery for substance use and mental health issues. As a recovery friendly community, IUPUI -- along with Indianapolis -- wants students going through treatment to know that they are seen.
“We want to support (students in recovery) because there tends to be a hidden population,” Danielle Wolfe, assistant program director of substance misuse prevention, said. “It's not one of those things that a lot of people talk about. We want to show students that we are here, we support you, we see you and we are happy that you are here.”
Since purple is the designated color for recovery month, the CRC will be lining the grass around Wood Fountain with 1,000 purple flags on Sept 1. to draw attention to their positive messages.
Following that kickoff event, Mugs Not Drugs will be held in University Library, where education and outreach around risk reduction and good bystander intervention will be provided. Participants will then be provided with a mug they can decorate and take home with them.
Health and Wellness Promotion will continue to spread awareness as they plan to partner with the Marion Public Health Department throughout the month to provide naloxone training to students and staff. Naloxone is the emergency medical treatment used to reverse life-threatening effects of a known overdose. Students and staff will learn why naloxone is important, how and why it’s used and how to appropriately use it themselves. Event dates and updates will be posted via the CRC Twitter account.
To learn more about the CRC, their offerings and how you can help promote awareness of recovery month, check out their web page along with Health and Wellness Promotion's.