ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON https://studentaffairs.iupui.edu/
Building healthy relationships is part of having a great college experience. Whether that’s making new friendships, interacting with roommates and professors or creating romantic relationships, it’s important to understand what a healthy relationship looks like and how to maintain positive connections.
Since 2016, an entire week has been dedicated to talking about every type of relationship a person could have in their life and how to keep them healthy and balanced. Healthy Relationships Week is back with in-person events and will take place Feb. 7–11.
"For college students, this is where a lot of those new types of relationships are starting and can be really difficult to actually define what a relationship looks like," Assistant Program Director of Health and Wellness Promotion Ryan Anderson said.
"They can be away from home for the first time, maybe they have never been around this many people or never had some type of romantic or sexual relationship before."
During this week, there are various events that focus on sexual health and maintaining friendly relationships, including a glow in the dark event to learn about sexual health and a kick-off event featuring friendship bracelet making, making thank you grams for your designated drivers and much more.
"We try to put it out there that 'hey, we are all working through this and we are all working through these relationships,'" Anderson said. "We want to shine a light on how you can normalize having conversations on the more positive aspects of relationships, but also highlighting some not so great things about relationships."
Come learn about, improve and celebrate the many relationships in your life at this weeklong event, which is hosted and organized by Health and Wellness Promotion. Here’s a sneak peek at what events will be offered throughout the week.
Monday, Feb. 7
Healthy Relationships Week Kickoff, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Campus Center CE 305
Come kick off Healthy Relationships Week with stuff-a-plush jaguars, friendship bracelet making and more. Co-sponsored by the Student Activities Programming Board.
Let’s Talk About Sex Ed, 6–7:30 p.m., Campus Center CE 307
Learn about sexual health, proper condom usage, testing for HIV/STIs and more. Co-sponsored by Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority, Inc.
Tuesday, Feb. 8
Thank You Grams, Noon–2 p.m., Campus Center Atrium
Write a special thank you to your favorite designated driver. Co-sponsored by the Collegiate Recovery Community.
Sex in the Dark: Ask Anonymous Questions About Sexual Health, 6–8 p.m., UC 101
Ask any question about sexual health to a panel of "sexperts." No question is off limits. Glow sticks and desserts will be available. Co-sponsored by the Multicultural Center and the LGBTQ+ Center.
Wednesday, Feb. 9
Wellness Wednesday: Healthy Relationships Week Edition, Noon–12:30 p.m., Instagram: @IUPUIwellness
One of HWP’s Peer Health Educators will be discussing how to build and maintain healthy relationships.
Global Love and Respect, 11 a.m.–1 p.m., UC 101
What does love, kindness and respect look like in your culture? Student organizations will be sharing what those attributes look like in their cultures. Co-sponsored by the Multicultural Center.
Thursday, Feb. 10
Mugs Not Drugs, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., UC 104
Learn about the dangers of using substances as a coping mechanism while decorating your own coffee mug to take with you. Co-sponsored by the Collegiate Recovery Community.
Condom Club Training, 12:30–1 p.m., virtual
Help make IUPUI a more sexually well and safe campus by learning the effective way to use both external and internal condoms.
Sign up for your training: go.iupui.edu/condoms
Friday, Feb. 11
Random Acts of Kindness, 11 a.m.–1 p.m., Campus Center
HWP’s Peer Health Educators will be distributing free swag around the Campus Center.
Learn more about HWP and their programs and services at wellness.iupui.edu.