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Taking a stand: IUPUI raises awareness about Domestic Violence Awareness Month with monthlong events



October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), and IUPUI is creating opportunities for campus to learn more how to prevent domestic violence and support survivors. Domestic violence is prevalent in every community, and affects all people regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender, race or nationality.

A big part of prevention is being aware and knowing the signs of domestic violence. The IUPUI community can expect both in-person and virtual events to gain knowledge on the importance of knowing red flags within a relationship.

"A lot of people think domestic violence is only when someone is physically abused by a partner, but it is more than that. It also includes financial abuse, emotional abuse, manipulation, isolation and using children, among other things," said Christine Kung’u, assistant director of interpersonal violence and response. "The only way we can prevent domestic violence is if we are able to identify behaviors, able to name them and stop them before they happen."

Alongside outreach events happening in the Campus Center and The Jungle throughout the month, other DVAM events begin on Oct. 11. The full list of events is listed below.

Let’s Talk About It: Healthy and Unhealthy Love

Monday, Oct. 11, Campus Center CE 405 and Zoom, 6-7:30 p.m.

Learn about the signs of healthy love, recognizing red flags and practice boundary-setting skills. After the training, there will be a short panel discussion to dive deeper into the different topics. Sponsored by the Active Minds Chapter at IUPUI, Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority, Inc. and CAPS.

Domestic Violence 101

Thursday, Oct. 14, Zoom, 6-7:30 p.m.

Learn the true definition of domestic violence. What is it? How do we recognize it? What can we do to help? This training will cover types of abuse, signs of an abusive relationship, power and control, the cycle of violence, who can help and more. Sponsored by CAPS and the Office for Women, and in collaboration with the Children’s Bureau.

Purple Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 21, Campus Center, all day

IUPUI students, faculty and staff are encouraged to wear purple in solidarity with survivors of domestic violence, raise awareness and commit to ending domestic violence in our community. Purple ribbons to wear and resources will be available in the Campus Center 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Show off your purple on social media and tag @iupuisapir on Twitter and Instagram. Sponsored by CAPS and the Office for Women.

Technology Safety

Thursday, Oct. 28, Zoom, 6-7:30 p.m.

In this session, you’ll learn how technology is misused in a relationship. Technology was created to make our lives easier and better, but what happens when that same technology is used to make our lives miserable? As technology keeps advancing, come learn a general overview of tech safety concerns and considerations. The Children’s Bureau will host this presentation and cover online tech safety, online dating, general phone safety, red flags and warning signs around technology abuse, online dating safety, general phone safety and the purpose of technology safety planning. Sponsored by CAPS and the Office for Women, and in collaboration with the Children’s Bureau.

Tabling Events

Oct. 12, 19 and 26, Campus Center, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Oct. 12 and 29, The Jungle, 6 p.m.

Stop by a DVAM table on your way to class and learn more about domestic violence, healthy relationships, consent, and campus and community resources.

If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual violence or relationship violence, the interpersonal violence prevention and response team is here to help. For more information, check out their online resources or email

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